What is NESS ?

About NESS

NESS is sound objects spatialization standalone application developed by APG. It is based on Max/MSP audio engine and uses distance based algorithms to render the spatialization of 16 objects on 4 groups of 8 speakers

What it does

NESS processes incoming signals on 16 inputs to create virtual sound stages for a system of loudspeaker. It is a real time processing, allowing to use it live for performances as well as for programmed shows, museography/scenography, sound design or artistic installations

NESS is compatible with OSC and MIDI, allowing the software to be included in a more generic workflow (mixing desks, control surfaces, show control applications, other spatialization applications, audio workstations…)

APG also offers a bunch of tools and tutorials to control NESS directly from your DAW :

The algorithms of NESS are described in the white paper.

What it does not do

NESS does not generate sound and it is not possible to load any soundfile in NESS. It only treats incoming signals from the inputs of your sound card. To use it, you must feed it with a multitrack audio stream from a mixing desk, a DAW or a player. You can refer to the tutorials to learn how to use NESS with Reaper on the same computer.

NESS is not a loudspeaker processor, it cannot be used to equalized / tune sound systems / load speaker presets. A dedicated processor or processed amplifier must be used separately to align your sound system.

NESS is not a plugin, it is a standalone application, but we offer some ways to route the signal from your daw to NESS, check our tutorials section.

NESS only offer Wave Front Synthesis algorithms, as it is the most suitable for large audience coverage in live shows and theaters / clubs. You cannot choose other algorithms like Ambisonics, VBAP, Binaural…

How can I get NESS ?

NESS can be downloaded here : NESS download page

License validation

How can I get a license for NESS ?

The license for NESS can be obtained here : Matériel de sonorisation et système sonore Arbane Groupe. You must enter a valid email to get the license. Once the form is filled, click on “Télécharger le fichier” to get the instructions to activate NESS. The license file is automatically sent by email.

I did not receive any license file

check your spams.

How does the license validation work ?

When you launch NESS, a request is sent to our license server to check if your license is valid. The license is linked to your machine ID at its first use. One license can only have one associated machine and will not be valid on another computer.

All licenses that have not been validated since 3 months are automatically deactivated

Can I activate NESS without internet ?

You need an internet connection in order to validate your license, but you only need it when you launch the software. You can also use a connection sharing from your smartphone.

If you need permanent licenses for shows, please contact us

I got an error message at the license validation

Check your internet connection

You must enter the entire content of the license file, including the “key/” characters

Update NESS to the last versions. Bug fixes have been implemented on the license validation

contact the support if needed

Hardware compatibility

Computer specifications

On which OS is NESS available ?

NESS runs on Windows (10 or newer) and Mac OSX

Which computer configuration do I need ?

Audio processing in NESS is highly dependent on the number of inputs and outputs you need and on your latency requirements.
Small setups with only one group of 8 speakers and 16 sources can run perfectly on quite small CPU, but you will need to increase the I/O and signal buffers sizes, increasing the latency.

For real time uses and big setups, we recommend running NESS on a dedicated computer with a powerful CPU and no other program running

For further information on the CPU load and audio parameters, you can have a look at this document

Windows recommended configuration

CPU : 10th gen Intel Core i9 or higher / 12th gen Intel Core i7
RAM : 8 Go

Mac recommended configuration

CPU : Apple Silicon M1
RAM : 8 Go

Audio Hardware

Which sound card are compatible with NESS ?

NESS is compatible with any audio device for which the driver for Windows or macOS is available For now, it has not been tested with a wide range of audio devices, and no particular problems have been submitted. If you encounter some trouble, don’t hesitate to contact us.

NESS is also compatible with some virtual sound cards like Blackhole on Mac or Rearoute from Cockos to allow routing audio from your DAW to NESS. See the tutorial section to know how to use it.

Which speakers are compatible with NESS ?

NESS is not limited to a particular brand or range of speakers. It can be used with any speaker, anyway we recommend using APG IX and IS products to ensure the smooth spatialization on a large area thanks to their wide opening and non diffraction baffle of those speakers APG - iX series