APG introduces new speakers and electronics
Uniline Compact System & DSP amps
New products for even more Modularity
A unique small size Modular Line Array
The UNILINE COMPACT is a compact size line array system based on the concept of "Modular Line Array" invented by APG.
The Uniline Compact consists of 3 speakers: the line source speakers UC206W (for Wide) and UC206N (for Narrow) completed by the bass speaker UC115B.
It follows the same Modularity concept that made the APG Uniline such a strong alternative solution. The goal is to offer unlimited possibilities of scalability to cover, with a single system, the whole field of applications of small and midsize line array systems: from small to high power, and from short to long throw, indoors and outdoors, in fixed installation or rental markets.
The acoustic modularity is given by the two line array speakers UC206N and UC206W, which can work standalone or being combined both together as well as with bass speakers or infrabass subwoofers.
The UC206N and UC206W are both bi-amped 3 acoustic ways full range loudspeakers fitted with one coaxial motor APG IsotopTM and two bass cone drivers 6,5" that confer exceptional musicality down to the low frequency range. The Uniline Compact outperforms conventional small two-way line array speakers with a higher, more accurate control of directivity, a wider bandwidth in lows and highs, a larger dynamic in low mids, and higher overall SPL. |
Both UC206W and UC206N speakers are horn loaded using a complex acoustic design that guarantee a constant directivity across the entire frequency range of [450Hz – 19KHz]. The wide version offers 105° of constant horizontal acoustic dispersion, while the narrow boasts 70°. Having the choice between two models allows professionals to adapt the horizontal coverage of their sound system depending on the acoustic environment, and focus the acoustic energy on the listening area. |
The UC206N is characterised by a "narrow" horizontal dispersion of only 70°. The resulting directivity index is particularly well suited to improve critical distance as well as intelligibility indoors and to increase throw distance substantially for outdoor productions.
With a wider frontal horn the UC206W will offer a very wide stereo image even in short and medium throw being suitable for various configurations: it can be used standalone, clustered with the UC206N as a downfill, distributed as frontfill or sidefill and used in conjunction with the larger Uniline systems.
Thanks to its perfectly homogenous wide acoustic field, the UL118B will also be the perfect solution for spatial and immersive sound systems based on the WFS (Wave Front Synthesis) concept.
To extend the acoustic Modularity both UC206 N & W can be coupled with the dedicated bass speaker, the UC115B, to deliver a wide band high power performances. The UC115B is fitted with one Neodymium 15" for low frequency reinforcement down to 45Hz.
Additional 18" APG subs, like the UL118B of Uniline series, can also be used for infra-bass extension when required
All this LF speakers can be configured to control the directivity thanks to numbers of network and cardioid arrangements.
A complete set of accessories allows any configuration in any installation modes (stacking or flying).
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New built-in DSP amplifiers DA50.4 et DA15:4
APG completes its electronic range with two 4-chanels built-in DSP amplifiers: the DA15:4 for small to mid-power systems and the DA50:4 suitable for all small to high power systems in rental or fixed installation.
The internal DSP use the same technology as the digital processors DMS48.
Thus, depending on constraints and requirement in rental application or fixed installation, professionals will have choice between full integrated solution with DSP-amps or modular solutions using external processors in conjunction with any kind of amplifiers.
DA amps and DMS processors can be controlled on the same network by the software interface PWAPG.