Stage monitors
The Dispersion series consist of versatile speakers using coaxial technology and are designed for stage monitoring as well as near field FOH applications (<15meters).

The "DX" line is composed of multi-purpose speakers of several size and power range DX5 DX8, DX12, & DX15. They are characterised by their very complete ergonomics that make them very versatile and easy to use whatever the application: stage monitor, main FOH or distributed sound reinforcement, in rental, touring or fixed installations. From an acoustic point of view, APG has achieved a non-diffraction baffling that confers perfect linear acoustic field that reduce substantially feedback effect even without equalization.
The SMX15 is mainly designed for high performance stage monitoring applications as a floor monitor, side-fill or drum-fill… It offers a "studio monitoring" acoustic response, with exceptionally low distortion. It also has a mechanical system for angle adjustment ATSTM (Aiming Tuning System) – that allows five angles as opposed to the two conventional positions of 35° and 45°. The SMX15 additionally offers 15°, 60°, and 90° making it a world leader in ergonomics as well as performance.

Multi-purpose coaxial wedge, passive
Two-way coaxial bass reflex
1 x 5" ventilated driver
Dome tweeter 1''

Multi-purpose coaxial wedge, passive
Two-way coaxial bass reflex
1 x 8" ventilated driver
HF driver 1''

Multi-purpose coaxial wedge, passive
Two-way coaxial, passive cross over
1 x 12" Neodymium
1 x HF 1'' Neodymium

Multi-purpose coaxial wedge, passive
Two-way coaxial, passive cross over
1 x 15" Neodymium
1 x HF 1" Neodymium

High performances multi-purpose
Two-way bass-reflex
1 x 15" Neodymium cone driver
HF driver 1.4''

"DX" speaker ergonomics
"All inclusive" ergonomics of DX5, DX8, DX12 & DX15 speakers
DX5 : ultra-compact coaxial speaker
DX8 : Compact multi purpose speaker
DX12 / DX15 : Couple of multi-purpose speakers

SMX15: unique ergonomics
The only stage monitor with 5 angle positions
Aiming Tuning System (ATSTM )
5 angles for stage monitoring
Installation example